Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Swype 2.0 for Symbian Beta is Now Out

Are you a Swype user? Been waiting for the update? Want portrait qwerty? What about a split-screen keyboard support? Well all of that is included in the latest release of Swype 2.0 for Symbian. It is available for S60 5th Edition, Symbian^3, and Symbian Anna devices. No words on if this will work on leaked Symbian Belle firmwares.

Read more after the break.

-Portrait and split-screen support for devices with Symbian Anna
-Cutting-edge predictive tap auto-correction engine
-30 downloadable language dictionaries
-Many incremental UX changes based on Nokia and Android Beta Labs feedback
-Hundreds of bug fixes. Too many to list!

Read all information, instructions, and other notes about installing and/or upgrading to Swype 2.0 for Symbian at Nokia Beta Labs.

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