Thursday, November 17, 2011

Modern Combat 3 and 2 Other Gameloft Games Now Out!

Are you an iOS gamer? Hungry for more games? Then check out Gameloft's latest releases.

Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation

MC3 is a fps (first-person shooter) game which features 13 intense mission campaign, a multiplayer which can support up to 12 person, a ranking system with up to 90 experience marks, high-tech modern weaponry, and a next generation high quality visuals that can compete with those of Rage and Unreal.

You can get the game on iTunes and to say, this is a universal app so if you have both an iPhone and iPad, you can buy this once and install on your both device.
Price: $6.99

Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front Free+

Another fps game, Brothers In Arms 2 features a multiplayer of up to 5 over WiFi or Bluetooth, and has war battles across 5 locations and 13 levels. And as the name goes, it's free, or freemium at least as there's in-app items over there.

Again, this one is a universal app. Get it at iTunes.
Price: FREE

Gangstar Rio: City of Saints

Last but not the least, the Gangstar Rio: City of Saints. This one weighs in at 818 MB, so you better hook up on a fast WiFi connection to download. Features below.

·         An immersive tale: Infiltrate your former gang and find out who tried to kill you and get even
·         Over 60 missions and plenty of random events to play in 5 different neighborhoods
·         Enjoy a wide range of vehicles and weapons, including a new tank and explosive footballs
·         Customize your character with plenty of items you can unlock as you progress
·         A true Brazilian atmosphere thanks to a great soundtrack, including famous artists like M.I.A.

Get it at iTunes. Also a universal app.
Price: $6.99

Oh and an extra one for Mac OS users. Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, popular RPG on PSN is now available for Mac!

Get this on iTunes.
Price: $14.99

Don't forget to follow Gameloft on Twitter and their Facebook page!

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